Sheep's Sorrel Herb c/s, Wild Crafted, 1/4 lb
Sheep’s sorrel, also known as field sorrel and sour weed, is a weedy perennial plant that inhabits pastures and meadows, often to the point of invasiveness. It is distinguished from other sorrels, like garden sorrel or French sorrel, from its smaller size and reddish tint the foliage takes on in late summer. The herb has a long history of use in Europe as a vegetable and salad green. The lemony, tart flavor of the leaf is enjoyed in tea blends and as a seasoning in soups, stews and other cooked foods. Sheep’s sorrel is also a traditional curdling agent that is still used by artisan cheese makers.
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Culinary Uses
Also known as sour weed and red sorrel, sheep’s sorrel is a wayside perennial weed native to Europe and Asia now naturalized throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
The fresh or dried leaf is mixed with salad greens or added to soups and stews for a tart, lemony flavor. Sheep’s sorrel is also used in cheese making and is added to tea blends.