Muira Puama Chips, 1/4 lb
Muira puama refers to the bark and rootstock of a small shrub or tree native to the Brazilian rainforest. Known locally as “potency wood,” Muira puama has been used as restorative botanical in South America for centuries. Abundant in long-chain fatty acids, essential oils, plant sterols and a novel alkaloid dubbed muirapuamine, Muira puama is sometimes prepared as an infusion, but is more commonly tinctured. Strong infusions are also added to herbal baths.
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Muira Puama is a small, tropical tree that grows under the canopy of the Brazilian rainforest, where the indigenous people refer to the plant as "potency wood."
For centuries, South Americans have wild-harvested the fibrous root and thin bark of this shrub for use in various traditional beverages. Although Muira Puama can be used to prepare simple teas and infusions, it is most commonly tinctured.